Monday 5 August 2013

My 'Night time' Skin Care Routine, (daily skin care routine for NORMAL/DRY skin)

Hello my lovelies! 

Just a couple of my many products!
Today I am going to be sharing with you my Skin Care routine, which I like to think I stick to, but I  will admit, I don't always. Sometimes I will cancel out a few of these steps, it just depends what mood I am in (e.g. if it's late at night, I will probably just whip off my make up with a wipe and go straight to sleep. Naughty, I know). Also, I generally mix and match the steps, it's not vital to do them in a certain order or use them all etc... Note, some of these products are NOT for use everyday, but you will understand more when you read; 

Anyway, So I have normal to dry skin (sometimes very normal and sometimes very dry). But I also do get a lot of spots/zits/pimples, *YAY* I dislike it when brands aim their spot fighting products at people with oily skin. Just because I have dry skin certainly does not mean I don't get spots (I wish.) Which means to say that everything you will see, has been tried and tested by myself, and I know that works.

Let's start at the beginning; 

Firstly, I tie my hair up with a bobble. Nothing fancy, just to make sure I get all (and I mean all) my hair out the way! 

Hair tied up, ready to go!

So the first product I use are my 'Natura Cleansing facial wipes'. I picked these up at my local Savers, they were on 3 packs for the price of 1, so I went crazy! 

THE very best

I've tried a lot of wipes in my life, from 'Simple' to Baby wipes, from Mac to Johnson's, and honestly, these are the very best. They have just the right amount of 'moistness' (oo err) meaning they're not dry as a desert, but don't drench your face. They also don't break me out or worsen my dryness, meaning perfection! I use these pretty much everyday, in the morning if I need a quick refresh, or night when taking make up off.


Next, is my Holy Grail face scrub, I use this three - four times a week as it is very abrasive, so not for use every day. This is the only scrub I know that has enough 'rocks' in it. As mad as it sounds, 'St Ives apricot scrub' uses only natural 'rocks and minerals' and they sure use lots of them! I hate it when scrubs have like only ten rocks in the whole bottle, how can that even be classed as a scrub? 

I love the feeling of this scrub

St Ives actually do a range of scrubs, including Blemish fighting, Invigorating, timeless skin Daily Microdermabrasion, gentle, and timeless skin renew and firm. I personally go for the 'blemish fighting' one purely because I want it to fight my blemishes while scrubbing. However, I have tried the Invigorating one as well and that too was pretty awesome. 


After giving my face a good old scrub, I then use a face wash. Now I own two which I vary between, this time I used my Garnier one just because I used the Clearasil one this morning. 

AMAZING! But very strong!
This is the 'Clearasil Perfecta Wash'. It comes in a nifty little automatic dispenser meaning you just have to wave your hand under it and the perfect amount of facial wash will drop straight into your hand. I LOVE this product, it has an active ingredient of 'Salicylic Acid' meaning it is actually an acne treatment. Although I wouldn't say I have acne *touch wood*, it does clear up my skin nicely. 

Very nice feeling on the skin

As I said, I vary between the Clearasil wash and this one - 'Garnier Soft essentials comforting cream wash'. Because I have dry skin, I think using the Perfecta wash every day would just be too much for me, especially since I don't really need to use it that much. Anyway, this cream wash is lovely. It is especially for dry skin, and as it says on the label, it is very comforting. 

The beautiful 'washing' face we all pull. 

Next is an optional product. This is the Soap and Glory 'No clogs allowed!' deep cleansing, heating face mask. (Wow, that was a mouth full).

This product is great, but I wouldn't use it more than once a week. It's quite an interesting product, you put a 'grape sized amount' on your face, wet your hands then start rubbing. You instantly feel it heat up. And I mean heat up. The first time I used this, I panicked as it got so hot I thought it was literally going to burn my face. However, it doesn't, and I do stress that it is completely safe to use. When sponged off with the little pink sponge provided, I can visibly see my pores smaller, so a round of applause to Soap and Glory is in order!

I may look happy, but my face was about 100 degrees right there. 

And last but definitely not least, my all time favourite moisturiser that is 'E45 lotion'.

Ta Dah! My life saver!
This has probably been with me since I was about 3 years old. (Not this exact bottle, I'm referring to E45 as a whole). I used to get really bad eczema all over my body, so my childhood consisted of being lathered in white cream every night. I never really thought of using it on my face, it's always just been my eczema reliever, until one night when I ran out of my usual moisturiser and this stood beaming on my bathroom shelf. I gave it a whirl and since that night I use it every morning and night. It is just perfect, it sinks into the skin well, it feels lovely and I know my skin loves it, meaning I buy it in bulk now, and have it stashed away in my wardrobe so I will never run out!


So that's it for now! I hope you enjoyed learning about what I shove on my skin every day. (Quite literally.) I hope you're all doing well, and make sure to leave me a comment telling me what you  what you think, or even what you use/recommend. Or just to say hi! See you next time!

Elzie xo

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